Meet Stacie


Stacie Aamon Yeldell is the founder of Amöntra. She is a best-selling author, award-winning vocalist, speaker, and music psychotherapist with over 15 years of experience in mental health treatment. As a consultant, Stacie has worked with a range of organizations, including The Grammy Foundation, LA Opera, GoogleArts and Culture, Netflix and YoungArts. In addition to being a faculty member for UCLArts & Healing and California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), she has spoken at events like Women In Music, National Arts Policy Roundtable and Sound Health Summit. She has also appeared on CBS News, in Renée Fleming’s "Music and Mind Live," and is featured in the documentary "Proven." Stacie holds a Masters degree in Music Therapy from New York University, and certifications in Sound and Music Healing from the Open Center, and Vocal Psychotherapy (AVPT) from the Vancouver Vocal Psychotherapy Institute.

My workbook “Choose Yourself: A 12-Week Journey To Becoming the God of Your Own Heart” is available now on Amazon! 

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